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Our Programs

Exploring Creativity

Full Time

Full time enrollment allows families to use the program every day during operation hours. 

Flex Time

Flex time enrollment allows families to attend during operation hours on M/W/F or T/TH.

Part Time Pre-K

Our part time Pre-K is for students who have turned 4 by September 1st of the program year. Classes follow the ISD calendar and are offered from

9 am-2 pm daily.

After School Care

Enrollment in our afterschool program includes daily pick-up from your child's elementary school and full day programming on ISD holidays.

Summer Camp

Students who have completed kindergarten are eligible to enroll in our summer camp program. We offer full and flex time enrollment in this class.

Drop In Care

In some cases, we are able to accommodate occasional drop in care. Check with your local campus for availability.

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